Sunday, 27 July 2008

Keruh Jernih Hubungan Malaysia-Indonesia


First ini kikkakenya dari video anti-malaysia di youtube, dari satu rancangan 
indonesia tak silap aku, REPUBLIK MIMPI. kalau nak tengok boleh search dekat youtube, tapi aku cuma nak menasihatkan kita semua sebagai manusia yang waras dan berpendidikan, nilai baik dan buruk itu sendiri dan jangan ikut kehendak nafsu marah.

Indonesia merupakan antara negara jiran terdekat Malaysia, seperti SingaporeThailand,Brunei dan Filipina. Dan dikatakan kita orang Melayu serumpun dan satu keturunan, termasuk orang filipina kat mindanao (sila betulkan fakta sebab aku tak pasti wilayah mana). Dan Indonesia merupakan negara yang kononnya mempunyai umat islam teramai di dunia dan ianya bersamaan dengan agama anutan almost masyarakat melayu, Islam. Despite persamaan agama dan keturunan, hubungan antaraMalaysia dan Indonesia adalah begitu keruh, dan kalau aku nak bandingkan mungkin sama seperti Korea Utara dan Selatan. Mungkin ramai antara warga Malaysia tidak sedar kerana kawalan media kita yg ketat.

Persoalan yang timbul dalam kepala aku, kenapa perkara ni terjadi? Adakah sebab sifat hasad dengki, ataupun mungkin ada punca-punca yang tersembunyi yang kita sendiri tak sedar menyebabkan kesepakatan hati antara 2 negara ni begitu jauh. Jawapan pertama yang aku dapat adalah berlaku lebih dari 1000 tahun yang lalu, iaitu kerajaan Sri Vijaya. Kerajaan ni bertapak di kepulauan Melayu pada 300-1400, dan successornya merupakan keturunan Melayu. Dan mungkin korang pernah juga dengar Majapahit yang begitu kuat pada waktu dulu menurut kisah2, merupakan sebuah empayar Jawa. Aku tak berani nak cerita banyak sebab aku tak tahu kisah-kisah penuh berkenaan dengan ni tapi disebabkan perbalahan dan perebutan kuasa antara kaum Melayu dan Jawa merupakan sebab Parameswara lari hingga ke Melaka dan mengasaskan Kerajaan Melayu Melaka yang unggul.

Bagi aku mungkin antara punca sebenar ketidakserasian antara
Malaysia dan Indonesia berpunca dari perbalahan masa lalu antara Jawa dan Melayu hingga wujud perasaan tidak senang hati antara satu sama lain. Untuk pergetahuan umum, mostly yang menetap di Malaysia adalah berketurunan Melayu dan di Indonesia adalah sebaliknya. Tapi apa yang menyedihkan adalah kita mempunyai satu pegangan yang sama, agama Islam di mana dalam ajaran agama itu sendiri, manusia tidak patut dibahagi-bahagikan mengikut warna kulit atau bangsa.

Okeh berbalik pada masa sekarang, tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa
Malaysia sudah ke hadapan membina sebuah negara yang aman, makmur, stabil dan menuju ke arah permodenan (aku tak nak kata moden sebab bagi aku sebahagian masyarakat kita masih dibelenggu pemikiran kolot). Alhamdulillah atas visi pemimpin2 kita terutamanya yang paling aku kagumi Tengku Abdul Rahman & Tun Dr Mahathir. Sebaliknya Indonesia dibelenggu dengan pelbagai masalah bencana alam dan juga mempunyai pemimpin yang korup (Suharto). Jadi aku dapat lihat jurang perbezaan itu begitu ketara dan ini memaksa warga Indonesia keluar dari tanah air mereka untuk mencuba nasib mencari pekerjaan di tempat lain termasuk Malaysia.

Aku dibesarkan dalam komuniti Melayu, dan jiran aku ada mengambil pembantu rumah
indonesia dan selama ini aku tak pernah merasa apa-apa yang janggal dan boleh berkomunikasi tanpa rasa kekok dengan mereka. Memang sebab pada mulanya pada pandangan aku kita adalah sama. Malah aku pernah menyuarakan rasa simpati kepada pembantu-pembantu yang terpaksa bekerja di rumah cina kerana terdapat banyak cabaran yang terpaksa dilalui. Tapi bila dewasa, aku sedar Malaysia semakin banyak mengambil pekerja asing terutamanya dari Indonesia dan Bangladesh, dan pada waktu itu aku dapat rasakan masyarakat semakin memandang serong golongan ini sebagai kelas ke-2 dan panggilan umum adalah Indon dan Bangla. Aku tak pasti sama ada panggilan itu merujuk kepada penghinaan sedikit, tapi aku rasa ia adalah lebih utk meringkaskan conversation. Dan aku setuju kerajaan Malaysia memohon maaf dan menghalang dari digunakan di media jika perkataan tu mengguris hati mereka. 

Malaysia mengamalkan dasar neutral dan berusaha menjalinkan hubungan baik dengan semua negara termasuk Indonesia. Sewaktu tsunami, gempa bumi dan kebakaran hutan, kita boleh nampak Malaysia tampil untuk membantu sebagai sahabat. Tapi segala usaha baik Malaysia ni aku nampak sia-sia malah dilontarkan balik kebaikan kita ni dengan celaan, bakar bendera, demonstrasi dan sebagainya. Berkenaan dengan hal ini aku sememangnya tidak senang hati dan mula berpandangan serong terhadap Indonesia. Media Indonesia yang bebas terus mengkritik Malaysia yang kononnya tidak mengamalkan hak asasi manusia, tapi sedangkan suharto mengambil tindakan ketenteraan menjajah aceh dan timur timur? Ops Ganyang Malaysia sewaktu penubuhan awal untuk mensabotaj Malaysia dan membentuk Melayu Raya. Aku tak nampak di mana kebaikan Malayu Raya itu sekarang, dan mungkin jika Malaysia diheret menyertai Melayu Raya pada waktu dulu, nasib kita mungkin akan sama seperti sekarang. Indonesia terus menerus memberi tekanan kononnya terhadap Malaysia dan aku tak pasti apakah tujuan sebenar mereka. Adakah sifat dengki di mana bila aku tak dapat, kau pun tak boleh dapat. Ataupun mereka ingin menguasai Malaysia atau lain-lain.

Sedar atau tidak masa akan terus berlalu dan tindakan kita sekarang akan memberi impak yang besar terhadap hubungan Malaysia-Indonesia pada masa yang akan datang. Personally, aku tak nampak sebarang keuntungan oleh pihak
Malaysia atau Indonesia itu sendiri dengan tindakan memburukkan Malaysia jadi aku berharap pada masa yang akan datang, kesefahaman antara 2 negara akan tercapai. Blog ni tidak berniat memburukkan mana-mana pihak, just untuk menggalakkan kira berfikir seketika tentang hal ini. gomen, aku tengah pening kepala sebab tidur lama, insyaallah aku akan edit balik di lain waktu.

-BM aku makin teruk-

World Invention

Okeh updated skit base on kerja hari tu. First persoalan yang aku dapat adalah biasanya sejarah sebuah empire tu lenyap apabila kejatuhannya, tapi sejarah empire islam lenyap di tengah2 zaman kegemilangannya.2nd aku mmg terasa yang betapa ruginya dunia islam waktu kejatuhan baghdad waktu mongol invasion.aku highlightkan peristiwa tu sbb aku rasa ia adalah peristiwa yang besar. Web 1001 Invention banyak membuka mata aku tentang dunia islam. bab yang aku paling suka adalah optik dan aku bangga father of modern optik adalah seorang yg digelar Ibn al-Haytham(Alhazen)Sekarang aku duk membaca sejarah dunia islam yg agak detail yang berjela2 panjangnya dan cuba memahami skit apa yg berlaku sbb aku ni buta sejarah ISLAM EMPIRE yang panjangnya 18page wird o-O and kt situ bnyk gak aku belajar ttg penubuhan ISRAEL skrg.




Before Islam

105 - Paper invented in China by Ts'ai Lun.

300 - Stirrups invented in China, enabling horse-riders to use

weapons effectively.

475 - Horse collar invented in China.

Arab Empire

Rise of Islam Empire


Golden Age


Caliphate :

632 – 661 Rashidun

661 – 750 Umayyad

750-1258 Abbasid

600 -The heavy plow invented by the Slavs.

770 - Horseshoes come into use in Europe.

810 - First description of Arabic numerals.

1000 - Chinese discover a weak form of gunpowder.

1041 - Movable clay type invented in China by Bi Sheng.

1060 - Earliest reference to a water-powered fulling mill for finishing cloth.

1100 - Water power used for iron-making in Europe.

1180 - Windmills in Europe.

- Properties of the compass known in Europe.

1249 - Roger Bacon gives earliest European recipe for


1286 - Eyeglasses invented in Europe

1291 - The Venetian glass industry producing mirrors.

1258Mongol Invasion In Baghdad(Battle of Baghdad) The Grand Library of Baghdad, containing countless precious historical documents and books on subjects ranging from medicine to astronomy, was destroyed. Survivors said that the waters of the Tigris ran black with ink from the enormous quantities of books flung into the river.

In 797 (or possibly 801) - the caliph of Baghdad, Harun al-Rashid, presented Charlemagne with an Asian elephant named Abul-Abbas together with a mechanical clock. So Italy in 1335 was the inventer ?

Ottoman Empire Rise



Mehmed II 1444-1481

Conquest ofConstantinople(Istanbul)


1300 - Spinning wheels found in Europe.

1335 - The earliest recorded mechanical clock is built in Italy.

1440 - Printing Press (Johannes Gutenberg)

Ottoman Empire




Suleiman The Magnificent 1520-1566

1503 - Mona Lisa Portrait(Leonardo da Vinci)

1642 - Adding Machine(Blaise Pascal)

1668 - Reflecting Telescope(Isaac Newton)

1673 – Microbiology(Anton van Leeuwenhoek)

Ottoman Empire



1701 - Seed Drill (Jethro Tull)

1742 - Franklin Stove (Benjamin Franklin)

1752 - Lightning Rod (Benjamin Franklin)

1760 - Bifocal Glasses (Benjamin Franklin)

1764 - Spinning Jenny(Thomas Highs)

1767 - Jigsaw Puzzle(John Spilsbury)
Spinning Jenny(
James Hargreaves)

1775 - Mechanized Textile Loom(Richard Arkwright)

1782 - Shot Tower (William Watts)

1783 - Hot Air Balloon(Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier)

1790 - Pot Ash Process(Samuel Hopkins()
United States Patent System(
United States Congress)

1793 - Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney)

1796 - Smallpox Vaccine(Edward Jenner)

1800 - Electric Battery (Alessandro Volta)

1801 - Jacquard Loom(Joseph-Marie Jacquard)

1806 - Coffee Pot (Benjamin Thompson)

1821 - Difference Engine(Charles Babbage)

1824 - Braille(Louis Braille)

1827 - Ohm's Law(George Simon Ohm)


Nak baca jadual invention barat?? 
betul ke ni???

Nak baca sedikit invention islam?? 
muslim heritage
1001 Invention


Lets us discover 1000years missing history (600-1600)


Chronology of major events in Muslim Heritage 

This is a short and incomplete list of major developments made by Muslims during the 9th to 16th Centuries. 

Shortcut to: 
9th 10th 11th 12th 13th+ Centuries. 

9th Century 

800ADMuslim merchants reach China (Canton). Foundation of a paper factory in Baghdad; the first in history outside China. The Muslims use different materials from the Chinese, though. This is a development that would subsequently revolutionise learning. The paper industry spreads from Baghdad, to Syria and further West, until it reaches about a century later Europe (Spain) via Morocco. 

Mash'allah writes on the Astrolabe. He was one of the earliest astronomers and astrologers in Islam. Only one of his writings is extant in Arabic, but there are many medieval Latin and Hebrew translations of it. His most popular book in the Middle Ages was the `De scientia motus orbis,' translated by G. Cremonna in the twelfth century. 

Al-Tabari writes on Astronomy.

807ADHarun al-Rashid gives Charlemagne a clock that struck the hours.
808ADFoundation of the city of Fez by the Idrisids in Morocco.
815ADFoundation in Baghdad of the science library and academy Bayt al-Hikma.
820ADPossible year of the death of Ibn Muhammad. Muslim historian and archaelogist. He completed the studies of his father (Muhammad) on Arabian antiquity and became the leading authority of his time on the subject. His main work deals with the genealogy of the Arabs (Kitab al-nassab al-kabir...)
820ADMohammed ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi writes Al-jabr wa'l Muqabalah, from which we derive the word "Algebra", which gives algorithms for finding the positive solutions to all equations of the first and second degree (linear and quadratic). Al-Khwarizmi was one of the first to compute astronomical and trigonometrical tables.
820-829ADBirth of Astronomer and Geographer al Farghani. al-Farghani (Alfraganus) was the first Muslim writer to write a comprehensive treatise on astronomy, that was very popular until the fifteenth century. It influenced not only the Muslim, but also through Latin and Hebrew translations, the Christian and Jewish astronomers.
829ADAl-Mamun has an observatory built. His astronomers calculate the inclination of the ecliptic at 23 degree 33'. They also construct tables of planetary motion. The same scientists calculate the circumference of the earth, putting it at 20, 400 miles.
830ADThe Baghdad observatory determines the position of the solar apogee as 82039'.
831ADDeath of Al-Asmai. He was a very pious scholar. He wrote many works chiefly on the horse (kitab al-Khail), on the camel (Kitab al-Ibil), on wild animals (Kitab al-Wuhush), on the making of man (Kitab khalk al-Insan). This work shows that the Muslims already had vast knowledge of human anatomy.
836ADThabit ibn Qurra (to write later on the Balance) is born in Turkey.

840-849ADThe traveller Suleiman reaches China. Tales of his trip become the first accounts of China in the Muslim world.

840-849ADThe first Muslim writing that records sunspots, by Al-Muqtafi.

847ADDeath of the mathematician Al-Khwarazmi.

850ADSahl ibn Bishr writes on arithmetic, algebra, and astronomy.

851ADPublication by an anonymous author of the accounts of Suleiman the merchant, who had travelled to the coast lands of the Indian Ocean and to China This is the first Arabic account of China and of many of the coastlands of the Indian Ocean. Suleiman records the use of fingerprints as signature by the Chinese.

858ADBirth in Haran (Turkey) of Al-Batani (Albategnius). He is to introduce into Astronomy the use of Trigonometry, and carry extensive precise measurements. He also made a number of observations from 877 on, and in 880 compiled a catalogue of stars for that year. He determined astronomical coefficients with great accuracy, discovered the motion of the solar apsides, and wrote an astronomical treatise which remained authoritative until the sixteenth century. In his treatise is a trigonometrical summary that includes sines, tangents and cotangents. It contains a table of cotangents by degrees and a theorem equivalent to our formula giving the cosine of a side of a spherical triangle in function of the cosine of the opposite angle and of the sines and cosines of the other sides.
860ADAl-Kindi writes on Astronomy, geometrical and physiological optics; he also criticises alchemy. His writings on music are the earliest of their kind extant in Arabic; they include a notation for the determination of pitch.
861ADDeath of Al-Farghani.
870ADTabit ibn Qorra writes on Conics. The Three Brothers Banu Musa write on Geometry, and Astronomy. Among other works also attributed to them is one on the balance. Death of al-Kindi, philosopher and scientist.
875ADMuslim travellers to China report having seen toilet paper in use in that country.
877ADAhmad ibn Tulun, a Turkish slave who had risen to high command in the caliph's armies, became the governor of Egypt in 868. This year begins the construction of the impressive mosque of `Ibn Tulun' in the garrison town of Al-Qata'i' (part of modem Cairo).
880-909ADAl-Battani (Albategnius) calculates the length of the year and determines the precession of the equinoxes.

Al-Razi (chemist and physicist) is the first scientist to make an accurate classification of chemical substances into mineral, vegetable, animal, and derivative. He also sub-classifies minerals into metals, spirits, salts, and stones. He also gives formulae for making metallic antimony, soap and many other substances. Al-Razi was translated into Latin by Gerard of Cremona and others. Most of the works of Al-Razi have been printed many times, in Venice in 1509, Paris in 1528 and 1548. His treatise on small pox was reprinted in 1745. Medical universities have relied primarily on his works for their courses.

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10th Century
900ADAbu Kamil writes important works of Geometry and Algebra.
Al-Misri writes on Geometry.
901ADThabit ibn Qurra dies in Baghdad.
910ADAl-Nairizi writes on Geometry.
Al-Faradi writes on Arithmetic.
922ADIbn-Fadlan, is part of an embassy to the Scandinavian Rus along the Volga. He writes his account of their customs.
923ADDeath of al Al-Tabari, historian. He was born in 839, in Amul, in Tabaristan, hence his surname. His studies took through the vast land of Islam, via: Ravy, Baghdad, Basra, Kufa, to Syrian centres of learning, then Fustat in Egypt, then back to Baghdad.
940ADBirth of Abu'l Wafa. He worked at the observatory of Sharaf al-Daula. He made observations using a 20 ft quadrant and a 56 ft stone sextant. He wrote Theories of the Moon. He introduced in mathematics the Tangent ratio (opposite / adjacent sides of right triangle). He also developed spherical trigonometry.
945ADBirth in the town of Aurillac, in Auvergne (France) of Gerbert who later becomes Pope Sylvester II. He is the first European to introduce Islamic mathematics into Europe from Spain. He also introduces the abacus. He is seen as a magician and dies poisoned.
950ADIbn Yunis, Egyptian astronomer. He carries observations at the Cairo observatory.
950ADEarliest use of paper in Spain. In the period between 913 and 1005, all over the Muslim world, paper replaces rare and costly writing materials, which hence facilitates the making of books and the advance of learning.
953ADJohn, a monk from Gorze, in Lorraine (Eastern France, on the German frontier) was sent by Emperor Otto I as ambassador to Muslim Cordova. Amidst a complex diplomatic process, he spent there three years. He met amongst others Bishop Recemundus, who was acquainted with Islamic learning. John of Gorze also brought back with him manuscripts which made Lorraine one of the first centres for the diffusion of Muslim science.
960ADAl-Khazini writes on Geometry. Al-Khazini is also the author of Mizzan al-Hikma, one of the fundamental treatises on mechanics and physics of medieval times. It includes a theory of gravity; tables of densities, not only of solids but also of liquids. According to Al-Khazinini densities were also investigated by al-Biruni. Al-Khazini also describes the construction of a 24hr water clock designed for astronomical purposes.
961ADThis year appears the Calendar of Cordova. In this treatise, nearly nine centuries ahead of similar ones in Europe, can be found all science regarding soil use, irrigation, times for planting, harvests, actions against parasites and insects, farming administrative procedures at times of the year, and all details that regard farming in all its complexities.
973ADBirth of physicist, mathematician, traveller and geographer Al-Biruni.
977ADA hospital is founded in Baghdad. It employees 24 physicians, and includes a surgery and a department for eye diseases.
980ADBirth near Bukhara of Ibn Sina, who later writes The Canon of Medicine, in five volumes. The Latin translation of Ibn Sina was printed at Milan in 1473, at Padua (Italy) in 1476, and at Strasbourg (France) earlier. 
Abu'l Wafa writes important work on Trigonometry.
987ADAl-Muqaddassi, in his introduction to his treatise Description of the Muslim Empire (written that year), asserts that he is guided by personal observations first and foremost. Bookish authorities only come last. Al-Muqaddassi was born in Jerusalem, and travelled widely through the Muslim world. In his work: Ahsan at-taqasim fi Ma'rifat al-Aqalim,he provides descriptions of the lands and regions he passed through of the first order. This treatise: Ahsan At-taqassim… (The best division) has been repeatedly edited and translated into European languages.
988ADBeginning of Al-Azhar university.

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11th Century
1000-1009ADThe Muslims introduce the lemon plant to Sicily and Spain.
1000ADIbn Sina writes major book on Geometry; and another on arithmetic. 
Al-Majriti (from Madrid) writes on Geometry. He also wrote `some chapters indispensable for everyone who wishes to construct an astrolabe,' which includes a table of 21 stars entitled Table of the Places of the fixed stars.
Hamid ibn Al-Khidr writes on Algebra, and on the Astrolabe. 
Ibn Al-Haytham writes on Geometry; and on algebra.
Mansur ibn 'Ali writes on Trigonometry.
Ibn Yunis writes on Astronomy. 
Al-Biruni writes a major work on mathematics.
1008ADThe large astronomical tables are compiled by Ibn Yunus. These tables are accurate astronomical and mathematical tables based on 200 years of (naked eye) observations. 
Ibn Al-Haytham correctly explains how lenses work, and develops parabolic mirrors, similar to those used in today's reflecting telescopes.
1026ADBirth of Gerbert's student Wilhelm, abbot of Hirschau (1026-1091), who taught mathematics and astronomy."
1028ADAnother student of Gerbert, Guido of Arezzo (Aretinus), a Benedictine monk from Pomposa, near Ferrara, writes on arithmetic. 

1029AD Al-Zarqali is born; He edits a set of planetary tables-The Toledan Tables- for the year 1080. He also built astronomical instruments, and wrote al-Safiha al-Zarqaliya (Azafea), on the universal astrolabe, invented by him, which could be used to solve all the problems of spherical astronomy for any latitude.
1030ADAl-Biruni (973-1050) completes his book on India, which gives the first, thorough account of that country.
1035ADBirth of Ibn al-Saffar (Al-Ghafiqi), a native of Cordova, who wrote on astronomical tables and instruments. 
N. Khosraw, on a visit to Cairo, was surprised to see: `sellers of vegetables, spices, hardware, provided with paper in which all they sold was immediately wrapped up', a generalised use of paper similar to what we have today, centuries ahead of anywhere else.
1037ADDeath of Ibn Sina.
Death of Ibn Al-Haytham.
1048ADDeath of Al-Biruni.
1050-1059ADThe Muslims introduce the decimal system into Spain.
1050ADThe supernova that now forms the Crab Nebula is observed in Japan, China, and the Muslim world, and stays visible in the sky for 22 months.
1067ADNizam Al-Mulk establishes the first college of Islam in Baghdad (Al-madrasa Al-nizamiyya).
1070-1089ADAl-Zarqali suggests that the orbits of the planets are ellipses, preceding Kepler by centuries.
1076ADDeath of Ibn Haiyan. He was born at Cordova in 987-88. He was a Hispano Muslim historian. Author of an immense history of Spain in 60 volumes (Kitab al-matin, Liber solidus) and of a shorter work, in 10 volumes, dealing with the biographies of Hispano-Muslim scholars (Kitab al-Muqtabis fi Tarikh al-Andalus).
1085ADAlfonso VI of Castile takes Toledo, Spain, from the Muslims. This is an important centre of Islamic learning, and will become the centre of translation of Muslim science into Latin in the following century.

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12th century
1106ADBirth of Ibn Bajja (Avempace). He is a Hispano Muslim. His main works are on physics. He also constructed a planetary system. He died in Fez in 1139.
1100ADAbu'l-Salt (from Spain) writes on Geometry. He also wrote on mechanics. During his long stay in Egypt (1096-1112) he tried to raise a ship sunk at Alexandria, but failed.
1111ADDeath of al -Ghazali. He wrotes many treatises, including a classification of the sciences; and on the education of the child.. He also criticised speculative theology and philosophy, and the Shi'ite Isma'iliyya. He was seen as a renewer of the Sunni faith.
1111ADAdelard of Bath, the first English scientist, studied at Toledo, Tours, Laon, the East, and who travelled through Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and beyond. Inspired by Muslim learning, he writes Questiones Naturales. It is one of the first writings towards what is now called the Scientific Method. He summarizes knowledge gained from Muslim sources including Acoustics, Botany, Meteorology, and Optics. Roughly this time, he also writes Rules of the Abacus and Usage of the Astrolabium.
1114ADBirth of Italian scholar Gerard of Cremona in Italy. He will become the main translator of Islamic science in the city of Toledo.
1126ADAdelard of Bath translates Al-Khowarizmi's Astronomical Tables. At roughly this time, he also translates Al- Khwarizmi's Liber ysagogarum alchorismi (about arithmetic) from Arabic to Latin.
1127ADLiber regalis (al-Kitab al-Maliki) by Ali Abbas al-Majusti is translated by Stephen of Antioch. This follows an earlier incomplete translation by Constantine the African.
1130ADAdelard of Bath made a translation of Maslama's edition of AL-Khwarizmi's astronomical tables in 1126.
1140ADDecree by Roger II, Norman king, that medicine may only be practiced by physicians with a government license. This follows a practice already established in the Muslim world centuries before.
1143ADRobert of Chester translates the Koran into Latin, apparently the first to ever do this.This translation, however, is riddled with distortions.
1145ADRobert of Chester also translates Al-Khwarizmi's Algebra into Latin.
1150ADJabir Ibn Aflah died; He worked at Seville. He wrote Kitab al-Haia; and criticised the Ptolemaic theory of the planets. He held that Mercury and Venus must have a perceptible parallax; Venus may happen to be exactly on the line joining the sun and the earth. He also invented the astronomical instrument called the turquet.
1158ADThe University of Bologna formally founded in Italy. Like subsequent universities set up in Europe, they are fundamentally inspired by Islamic learning and science.
1167-1168ADThe University of Oxford is formally set up in England, although it had begun lectures as early as 1133. The influence of Daniel of Morley and Jewish scholars inspired by Islamic learning is crucial to its development.
1170'sADItalian scholar Gerard of Cremona translates nearly a hundred works, including treatises by al-Kindi, Thabit ibn Qurra, Al-Razi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina.
1175ADBirth of Michael Scott, also known as "the Wizard Michael Scott". He studies at Oxford and Paris. He learns Arabic. He lives in the Muslim influenced island of Sicily under Frederick II. He makes translations of Al-Bitruji.
1180ADDaniel Morley (or Merlai, Merlac, Marlach) from England. He was very much influenced by Islamic science. He made studies at Oxford; Paris and Toledo. He is credited of initiating learning at the University of Oxford.
1189ADHerault, France, has a paper mill established, likely the first in Europe, other than Spain.
1198ADThe philosopher Ibn Rushd; Averroes dies in Marrakesh, Morocco.
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13th century and after
1200ADAround this time, Al-Bitruji who lived in Spain (most likely in Seville) wrote a mathematical theory of Astronomy.
1202ADLeonardo Fibonacci (born in Pisa, Italy), who had been taught mathematics in Bejaia (Algeria), publishes "Liber abaci" [Book of the Abacus"], the first European book to use "0" for Zero, and including his famous series 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55... known to us a Fibonacci's Sequence.
1202ADLeonardo Fibonacci (born in Pisa, Italy), who had been taught mathematics in Bejaia (Algeria), publishes "Liber abaci" [Book of the Abacus"], the first European book to use "0" for Zero, and including his famous series 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55... known to us a Fibonacci's Sequence.
1203ADBirth of Ibn Abi Usaybia (1203-70). He wrote the biographies of 400 Muslim medical scholars.
1210-1211ADDeath of Ibn al-Katib, the author of works with discussions on Architecture, Arithmetic, and Geometry.
1211ADBirth of Ibn Khallikan (1211-1282) who, in his work Obituaries of men of Note, wrote about the lives of 865 distinguished Muslim scholars.
1217ADMichael Scott translates "Liber astronomiae" ["Book of Astronomy"] by al-Bitruji.
1222ADFounding in Italy of the University of Padua, mainly dealing with medicine. Again Islamic influence is very strong.
1224ADFounding in Italy of the University of Naples.
1224ADThe first Franciscans arrive at the University of Oxford, helping to spread Islamic learning acquired in Southern Europe.
1229ADFounding in France of the University of Toulouse.
1230ADApproximate date of founding, in Spain, of Salamanca University.
1231ADCambridge University is founded.
1244ADBeginning of the University of Rome.
1248ADDeath of Ibn Al-Qifti. He wrote on the lives of 414 philosophers and scientists.
1253ADFounding in Paris of the Sorbonne University
1250sADIbn Bedr of Seville writes a collection of texts on Algebra.
1250ADKing Alfonso X of Castile orders the astronomical table compilation `The Alfonsine Tables,' based mostly on Islamic learning, completed in 1272, and published in 1483.
1253ADThe Decimal System for numbers is introduced into England by Sacrobosco (John of Halifax).
1258ADBorn around this year, died 1339, is Ibn al-Banna al-Marrakushi. He was best known for his Talkhis, a treatise on Arithmetic. He also wrote about Algebra, the Astrolabe, Astronomy, Mensuration, and Proportion.
1258ADThe Mongols devastate Baghdad. The other centres of Islamic science had also just fallen (Cordova: 1236; Valencia: 1238, and Seville: 1248). This is the beginning of the end for Muslim civilisation.
1259ADMoses ben Tibbon (whose father and grandfather also did such translations) translated the Astronomy of Al-Bitruji [1200], and probably also the Aritmetic of Al-Hassar, from Arabic to Hebrew.
1259ADIn Maragha, begins the building the Observatory of Nasir al-Din al Tusi. He will begin observations here, which will be completed in 1272 and called Zij-i Ilkhani.
1270AD"Perspectiva" ["Perspectives"] is published by Witelo (a German-Polish scholar). This treatise on optics, wholly based on Ibn al-Haytham's earlier work rejects the Greek notion that rays travel from the eye to the thing seen. The work also covers geometrical optics, reflection, and refraction.
1279ADAl-Qalasadi, the last great Muslim mathematicians of Spain, is born near Granada. He writes about Arithmetic and original notions of Number Theory. He invented a new sign for radicals, and one for equality. He suggested a system of "ascending continued fractions." 
The Sicilian King, Charles of Anjou orders the translation of The "Liber continens" medical encyclopedia of Al-Razi. It is translated from Arabic to Latin by Moses Farachi.
1281AD"Nihayat al-idrak fi dirayat al-aflak", by Qutb al-Din al Shirazi, provides a non-Ptolemaic model of the Solar System, which uses uniform motions in a circle as much as possible. This is one of the sources of Copernicus subsequent theory.
1284ADDeath, in Seville, Spain, of monarch Alfonso X of Castile, 24 April 1284. His astronomical legacy was primarily based on Islamic learning.
1293ADFirst paper mill in Bologna (Italy) established.
1294ADPaper money is issued at Tabriz in Chinese and Arabic texts for the first time.
1299ADArabic numerals are banned in Florence, Italy.
1309ADFirst use of paper in England.
1326ADIbn Battuta, from Tangiers starts his exploration of India, Ceylon, China, and the Orient. He was to become the greatest explorer of his era.
1407ADDeath of Algerian scholar Ibn Qunfudh. He wrote Help to the students for the determination of the Positions of the Planets.
1550ADSinan builds the Sulaymaniye Mosque in istambul.